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Our PRIORITY is to protect the general public with our "LIFE's ANGEL 21"

Teachers - Students - Mayors -Locally elected  - municipal police officers- Traders - Lawyers - Bailiffs - Notaries - Pharmacists - Paramedics -  DoctorsJewelers - Hunters - Priests - Taxis - Truck Drivers - InfluencersYoutube - PMU -  Tabac Presse - Vigiles Night Club - Prison officers... etc... is a technology company dedicated to security and protection. We are committed to providing our customers with quality products and services that will help them face the growing threats of our modern society. We believe that everyone has the right to security and peace of mind, and we are here to help you achieve those goals.

Our history

Since its founding, WINGDBORN has been committed to providing innovative security solutions to its customers. We are a leading technology company dedicated to the research and development of cutting-edge products to address the growing security challenges of our modern world. At WINGSBORN, we pride ourselves on our commitment to excellence and innovation.


La norme établie par le NIJ est largement connue et acceptée par les organismes d’application de la loi du monde entier. Par conséquent, la norme NIJ fournit le niveau de performance de la plupart des gilets pare-balles.
Il n’existe actuellement aucun gilet pare-balles à 100% disponible sur le marché. Cependant, le gilet pare-balles offre à l’utilisateur une protection substantielle contre divers types de munitions de pistolet. Mais il est impératif que les forces de l’ordre soient conscientes que le niveau de protection offert varie en fonction de la façon dont un gilet pare-balles est classé en termes de niveau de menace contre lequel il protège.

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The NIJ standard specifies minimum requirements for body armor that has been tested under its performance protocols, and evaluates and ranks different types of vests based on threat levels.

When the armor undergoes these tests, NIJ-certified self-regulated laboratories subject the armor plates to a number of different tests to ensure they meet NIJ performance standards.

The NIJ has the authority to retest armor that the manufacturer is already currently selling to ensure performance standards meet standards over time. This is just part of NIJ’s excellence and auditing procedures.

NIJ performance standards mean that commercially available body armor meets minimum performance requirements. The NIJ publishes its standardsballistic and of stabbings for body armor, as you can see by clicking on these links. Below is an overview of NIJ 0101.04 and NIJ 0101.06

At WINGSBORN, we are led by a team of experienced leaders who have a passion for security and protection. We are a diverse group of individuals who bring a variety of skills and expertise to our business. Together, we work hard to provide our customers with the best security products and services possible. We believe that our experienced leadership is one of our company's greatest assets and we are proud to put it at your disposal.

Experienced leadership

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